Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Sunday, January 11, 2015
And God designed evolution the Hebrews knew about it.
Prooving The Bible Through History And Science Section 2 Chapter 1Genesis Bible Shows Evolutionary Process.
I have taken a couple days away from posting and if anyone is reading yet I apologize for that. The reason for this is wanting to varify and confirm my sources cause this can get hairy for both sides of the argument in the end the standard view of life's development shows the same development cycle as the bible rendering the argument moot. This is where life, science, Biology, and history take effect.
20 And God said, “Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the vault of the sky.”
All life on earth starts in the water both evolution and the Bible agree the theory of evolution states the first form of life was single celled organisims that populated the oceans in swarms feasting on carbon. The Hebrew word that means teem also means swarm as in the English language both words are interchangeable as well we can see the single celled life develope here and even other non fish creatures form in the sea as well. Still not 100 % proven side of This is that life evolved in the air as well. the backing evidence of this being life with no pollutants from earths atmosphere floating in space that frequently collects on the sides of the International space station as it comes down i believe that this is the same life that evolved to become birds adapting to there climates growing on the vapors of the thicker clouds they evolve becoming gliding life then the birds we see commonly here on earth backed to test this theory the life found to be in space in 2014 for the scientific community and for the religious The phrase in the vault of the sky.
21 So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living thing with which the water teems and that moves about in it,according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.
Life evolves and grows into fish and birds from bellow and above raining into the oceans each with its own charicteristics varying on what it feeds on and its climate each seeking and racing to become the domenant species.
22 God blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the water in the seas, and let the birds increase on the earth.”
Both realizing the beast weapon in the race programed to Multiply from there very first stage.
2 And there was evening, and there was morning—the fifth day.
Day translated from yom which also meens an undefined length of time or an age.
All life on earth starts in the water both evolution and the Bible agree the theory of evolution states the first form of life was single celled organisims that populated the oceans in swarms feasting on carbon. The Hebrew word that means teem also means swarm as in the English language both words are interchangeable as well we can see the single celled life develope here and even other non fish creatures form in the sea as well. Still not 100 % proven side of This is that life evolved in the air as well. the backing evidence of this being life with no pollutants from earths atmosphere floating in space that frequently collects on the sides of the International space station as it comes down i believe that this is the same life that evolved to become birds adapting to there climates growing on the vapors of the thicker clouds they evolve becoming gliding life then the birds we see commonly here on earth backed to test this theory the life found to be in space in 2014 for the scientific community and for the religious The phrase in the vault of the sky.
21 So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living thing with which the water teems and that moves about in it,according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.
Life evolves and grows into fish and birds from bellow and above raining into the oceans each with its own charicteristics varying on what it feeds on and its climate each seeking and racing to become the domenant species.
22 God blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the water in the seas, and let the birds increase on the earth.”
Both realizing the beast weapon in the race programed to Multiply from there very first stage.
2 And there was evening, and there was morning—the fifth day.
Day translated from yom which also meens an undefined length of time or an age.
Thursday, January 8, 2015
The B-I-B-L-E Yes That's The Book For Me. Part 4
The B-I-B-L-E Yes thats the book for me. Part 4
Creationism the Same as The Big Bang Conclusion of the big bang Genesis Day 4.
14 And God said, “Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night,and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years,
.The clouds of gas start to get paler and you start to be able to make out from the surface if your in the shadow of the planet. You still cant make out the source of the light though its like a bulb behind steamed up glass the source cant be seen just the effect.
15 and let them be lights in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth.” And it was so.
16 God made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars.
As the planet flows into its proper orbit and the plants take hold they start scrubbing out the acidic caustic particles in the air and space aka the heavens and the moon and sun are the first visable items. The sun and moon being the largest closest sources Of light as would only make sence then the smaller lights finally shining through the moon establishing its orbit to reflect its self on our planet
17 God set them in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth,
What keeps the moon from escaping from earths orbit it rotates enough to craete a rotational field what would keep it centered in just the right orbit. To me there can only be one choice once the impossable is removed
18 to govern the day and the night,and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good.
This is where it gives a name to that guiding force holding the moon in orbit the time is now right for stage 2 Life...
19 And there was evening, and there was morning—the fourth day.
The fourth period of time passes and leaves way for the next age gods planed and enacted evolution of life.
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
Bible Series Direct Connections To Point
The First Three Days
Throughout the last three days I have shown the direct correlation between the big bang theory and the story told us in the story of genesis. This shows at the minimum a far greater understanding about the origins and innermost workings of how space is formed. In a society with out laser teliscopes how could they have known. There is a current scientific theory being developed that the very air caries information that our emotional receptors or some scientific stuff can interpret the emotions of people on the other side of the world. This was proven by using population studies around the destruction of the twin towers in New York. My point being is I hope to give sufficient information that this information in the air is the manifestation of the holy spirits work and eventually Prove the Key Player in this devine game for the reproduction God.
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
The B-I-B-L-E, yes that's the book for me. Part 3
Proving the Bible is real through Science and History part 3
Genesis Chapter 1 Day 3
9 And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.
The earth gets further from the sun and its rotation slows down as it does the sun heats half the planet and causes the rocks and water to turn to steam. The coldness of space cooling the other half solidifying it into crystaline rock and cracking and shattering into dirt from the sudden tempature changes. With out an atmosphier acting as a blanket agenst the vacume of space the liquid smaller groups of matter fused with the higher concentrates of this god particle having a resistance to the cold but not the heat become gas and start to form into puddles as more rock and dirt hardening on the outside till it reaches a medium. Eventually the enough steam catches in the rotational field that it wraps the surface of the earth in a protective blanket from the cold and heat held in harmony by the shier vastness of the tempature changes in the atmosphier
10 And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.
As it reaches this medium The being takes note of its process and gives names to the matter the universe is made of up to this point nothing has a true name aside from the sky and space being known as the heavens and the planet we are to create the conciousness of gods child on earth. Now there is the name for the puddled waters that hold the most of gods raw energy and is closest to the energy beings state his very blood the seas. He sees that the condition is right and the course of motions he set up are flowing accordingly and they are.
11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.
The world archives the optimum balance and the heat and energy in the planet reach surveable tempatures as god noted in the last verse and with those tempatures and the wetness and rain everywhere sparks of the energy infused god particles that make up everything start to bond following complex paterns an form and the simplist forms of life coded with the energy /dna signature of Gods original race start to apear. The thought that we are the only race or planet god has ever made is nowhere in the bible or in and scrypture txts that I know of. This self focus is strictly a human notion. The first forms of life to apear are plants why geneticly there simplist and survive in the most climates.
12 And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
The seeds are growing into the plants that make more seeds the atmosphier is becoming more stable for more complex life. Oxygen is starting to permiate through the world god sees things are ready.
13 And the evening and the morning were the third day.
And so that stage and age ended the next stage still to come.
Monday, January 5, 2015
The B-i-b-l-e, Yes That's The Book For Me. Part 2
The B-i-b-l-e, Yes That's The Book For Me. Part 2
Genesis chapter 1 "Day/Yom" 2.
Even though the events of each Day/Yom of the Bible has varying degrees of things going on I hope that by the time people are finished reading this series of posts that i will have effeciently conveyed just how many scientific theorys developments and archiological finds indicate the bible to be a compendium of true storys. All of which you can research and are encouraged to I dont site my sources cause I want for you to find the trueth for your self alot like someone else I know. Now where I last left off we saw the universe in a liquid gas and energy state cooling down from this massive explosion and gathering with matter of simmilar densities. That matter infused with the heat and energy this god particle capable of defying physics.6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.
As the energy of this being associated in the big bang draws back together and our liquid rock and water combined into pools planet cools this energy sees the perfect place to create its children the purpose of this energys explosive task reproduction. It does this by assembling the required chemical soup to make life that can evolve to adapt to its situation and climate its placed in so long as given the ability to adapt till it to can shed its physical coil and become another energy being. This bond is what makes us vitally important to God with out him determining how much energy the planet can produce to stave off the heat of the closest gathering of his energy form the sun. The purpose of life is to achieve enlightenment till we evolve to the point that we make a new perfect being with the power and thought of trillions of people in love with him and his gift. just a side thought for anyone looking for the meening of life there it is. The purpose of our life is to create the make up of a more advanced life form.
7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
As the water is heated because energy and heat gods explosion had made it evaporates and creates mists that our planet uses to make the atmosphere trying to hold his heat in.
8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.
Again look up Yom see for your self. Heaven all that is space.
Sunday, January 4, 2015
Proving The Bible Beyond Doubt with Science.
The B-i-b-l-e, Yes That's The Book For Me. Part1
Genesis chapter 1 "Day" 1.
What if I could prove to you the storys of the bible are all based in real places. with real people that walked breathed and ate like you and me. Id like for you to embark with me on a Journey to the beginning of "man" or the garden of Eden and the beginning of Genesis. Before I start though this article isnt ment to prove the existance of god merely varify and clarify the storys of the bible. Weather you believe in god Is a matter of faith and that comes from within.
1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
*Here is the begining of all of it the creation of the world by a divine entity. Starting with space then the planets. Sounds exactly like a commonly held scientific theory that wasn't invented till 1927 which states all matter in the universe can be traced back to a single point aka. "The Big Bang Theory" And lets face it every thing that happens has a cause what caused the big bang. A big bang would be an effect. The very first phrase written thousands of years before the big bang theory attributes this cause to God the devine entity. Lets face it if theres no matter in the universe physics don't exist. And when everything impossible is removed what ever remains however improbable must be the answer. A being of light and energy doesnt sound so far fetched when you start to study all the forms of life out there. This energy infused into the particles of matter condenced till it exploded and spread this matter everywhere in the universe charged with the very energy of the being of light. A known and recently documented particle even known in the scientific community as the god particle. This energy is in everything from a cup of coffee to you. And maintains conections with every other particle in existance bonding them to make up everything. This is omnipotence to be everywhere at once. Again not trying to prove God just using science in comparison to the bible and its storys.
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
* "And the earth was with out form, and void" What does this mean exactly what it says Massive explosion = massive heat molten rock and water thrown everywhere two of the three states of matter in the making flowing to where its thrown with no specific shape. "and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of god moved upon the waters." The energy infused in everything still covering all of it moving like a mist drawing back as it tries to connect with other particles like it almost embraced.
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
* The heated particles start to shed and cool the heat having no where to go it gathers to form light as similar substances gather together in nature all pulled by there base makeup and attractive forces.
4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
* The gasses coming off the cooling matter and the heat realeasing gather being the lightest of this new matter and Suns Where Formed organised by this energys attractions.
5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
* The suns started to attract larger sources of there enegy. They grew grabbing the other more solid matters shedding energy and gravity is formed and with gravity gravitational pull. Day and Night. " And the evening and the morning were the first day. " before you go off on the day thing lets look at the facts. The bible is written in ancient Hebrew the Hebrew word for day being yom which translates into all these things.
Period of light (as contrasted with the period of darkness)
Period of twenty-four hours General term for time
Point of time Sunrise to sunset
Sunset to next sunset
A year (in the plural; I Sam 27:7; Ex 13:10, etc.)Time period of unspecified length.A long, but finite span of time -
age -
epoch and
1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
*Here is the begining of all of it the creation of the world by a divine entity. Starting with space then the planets. Sounds exactly like a commonly held scientific theory that wasn't invented till 1927 which states all matter in the universe can be traced back to a single point aka. "The Big Bang Theory" And lets face it every thing that happens has a cause what caused the big bang. A big bang would be an effect. The very first phrase written thousands of years before the big bang theory attributes this cause to God the devine entity. Lets face it if theres no matter in the universe physics don't exist. And when everything impossible is removed what ever remains however improbable must be the answer. A being of light and energy doesnt sound so far fetched when you start to study all the forms of life out there. This energy infused into the particles of matter condenced till it exploded and spread this matter everywhere in the universe charged with the very energy of the being of light. A known and recently documented particle even known in the scientific community as the god particle. This energy is in everything from a cup of coffee to you. And maintains conections with every other particle in existance bonding them to make up everything. This is omnipotence to be everywhere at once. Again not trying to prove God just using science in comparison to the bible and its storys.
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
* "And the earth was with out form, and void" What does this mean exactly what it says Massive explosion = massive heat molten rock and water thrown everywhere two of the three states of matter in the making flowing to where its thrown with no specific shape. "and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of god moved upon the waters." The energy infused in everything still covering all of it moving like a mist drawing back as it tries to connect with other particles like it almost embraced.
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
* The heated particles start to shed and cool the heat having no where to go it gathers to form light as similar substances gather together in nature all pulled by there base makeup and attractive forces.
4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
* The gasses coming off the cooling matter and the heat realeasing gather being the lightest of this new matter and Suns Where Formed organised by this energys attractions.
5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
* The suns started to attract larger sources of there enegy. They grew grabbing the other more solid matters shedding energy and gravity is formed and with gravity gravitational pull. Day and Night. " And the evening and the morning were the first day. " before you go off on the day thing lets look at the facts. The bible is written in ancient Hebrew the Hebrew word for day being yom which translates into all these things.
Period of light (as contrasted with the period of darkness)
Period of twenty-four hours General term for time
Point of time Sunrise to sunset
Sunset to next sunset
A year (in the plural; I Sam 27:7; Ex 13:10, etc.)Time period of unspecified length.A long, but finite span of time -
age -
epoch and
Saturday, January 3, 2015
Fear Americas Economic Downfall and Lifes Measured Risks
Fear Americas Economic Downfall and Lifes Measured Risks.
Fear is one of the most ruling factors of decision making today. It can be seen in my entire generation more then it has been in previous generations every day. Not fear of dictators and global war though those things are still there but a fear of action. Our great grandparents fought through the fear of starving in the depression where people where starving and dieing in the streets. Our grandparents feared Hitlers world war one. Our parents survived the fear of the harsh parent structure they had to endure. We have three generations of be scared or you will fail, Die, be considered a screw up unworthy of the space we take up. We face being called lazy for being unwilling to take less money for a job our elders and parents are paid to do. Example a contractor needs to tarp a roof. They spend 30 minuites on the roof tarping it with someone usually from my generation helping. They bill it out to the people getting it done spend 50 bucks on supplys and 40 on gas pay the gentalman that helped 10 bucks for the hour because it takes that long to get to and from the location. He charges the company 200 bucks then complians that he should have done it him self and saved the money.
Sounds normal in the business world but heres the real question. The employee made 10 bucks while you pocketed 100 what makes you worth 10 times more then the younger guy? More experience... your tarping a roof its not rocket science and the young guy new what he was doing as well as you and even if you where in charge all that means is you directed the task and said it had to be done. Grant ill give you giving your self more then him but at least a third should still leave your pocket heavier. We just accept our 10 bucks happily and keep working on the next task not knowing what our labor is worth thinking we are doing good when we are getting screwed. When we do know we are to scared to speek up cause right to work laws state you dont have to have a reason to fire us we have a right to work but you have a right to fire us. We are the generation with the kids that need that extra money to clothe and feed and keep warm and in shelter. Well then go out and find a better job. We would love to but our parrents have all of them and are earning enough to go on vacations while we cant afford pizza. We worked hard a long time to earn that right. No you worked hard to retire... do so. Give our generation a chance we might impress you. Every sociaty needs a lower class someone has to make the burgers but why at 30 should anyone accept that as a option. If we accept that as an option we are still considered dirt cause we work fast food. We never move away from home cause you've fed us horror stories our whole life and we are to scared to jurney to find our selves. You had hippies and army brats hippies toured the country and moved to new states where they started lives. Army brats saw the world and decided to stay home or also moved. Why cause when you turned into an adult your parents raised you not to be to scared to take the wheel. You tought us that if we do we will inevitably screw up and fail as soon as try. We face legislature passed to protect kids that has become so tight that if a kid is about to run into a street and get hit by a car you can have your kids taken for a bruise on the arm you have to snatch them back by.
I know this from personal experience. We cant punish our kids out of fear of an over zelous usually over 40 person yelling abuse because of there personal flash backs. you had to walk to work 10 miles every day to care for us when money got tight. Do you forget we where there. Elders hitch hiked and caught rides with friends that or in the most desprate situation after you exausted all others including family if they where available then you walked and your performance suffered for it. Between the mass media and the constant hellfire life and death you painted the world to be theres nothing left for hope in the world. You told us we could be what we wanted then hobbeled us before we left the door.
To my generation I have one thing to say you can do anything litterally anything. All you need to do is study and have confidence in your knowledge and ability to succeed. this is coming from someone your age that sold beer in the detroit tigers stadium, drove a semi, bialed pine straw, builds computers, studied history and art, Has been married to the same woman that gave birth to my three kids and is my first wife. Almost became missionary. Worked retail, ran my own business" though it didnt work out the point id this I did it I tried. I moved acrpss the country chasing my wife and back again. So long as your breathing you can find something to do worth doing. My advice dont be scared to mess up its normal dont be scared to chase those pipe dreams cause till you try you dont know and dont be scared to ask the price your worth. The older generation tells us that doing something is worth this much to them. Ask next time how much they would ask if they where getting paid for it. we cant move forward if we cant find some sence of equallity and growth and you never know what will happen unless you try. Hind sight is 20/20 but even they didnt know it would happen they are trying to teach you a lesson that doesnt exist its for love to keep you from going through there hell when there hell has been destroid by global communication. once we stop the condisending sence and start treating others reguardless of age as equalls we will know peice and the economy will repair. Till then so long as you can think you will be fine. Earn your keep but follow your dreams.
personal disclaimer and introduction.
The Questions We Should Be Asking.
An intro to Mr. Pockets blog
Before I start let me begin by dissuading the trolls. No I cant spell worth a damn, I'm most likely to butcher my grammer and screw up my punctuation, I am not a genius or a doctor, in not a loyer or even a teacher. I am a regular guy that makes mistakes, puts his pants on one leg at a time and raises his kids with his wife. I am wanting to express the duel standards that are being pressed on my generation by the generation that brought us up and by our selves. I tend to dream up ideas and thoughts on inventions and will bring some of these ideas to light. I will try to cover social topics, religious ideas, sextual issues, historical finds, and how to guides on things I find alot of people cant do. Chances are IM GOING TO SAY SOMETHING THAT OFFENDS YOU AT SOME POINT. My best advice if this happens get over it these are my views. Feel free to add ideas and thoughts and make productive arguments and responces. The others well its a pointless waste of time and time is the one currency you can spend and cant get back. Now with out further wait my first topic. Fear Americas Economic Downfall and Lifes Measured Risks.
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