The B-i-b-l-e, Yes That's The Book For Me. Part 2
Genesis chapter 1 "Day/Yom" 2.
Even though the events of each Day/Yom of the Bible has varying degrees of things going on I hope that by the time people are finished reading this series of posts that i will have effeciently conveyed just how many scientific theorys developments and archiological finds indicate the bible to be a compendium of true storys. All of which you can research and are encouraged to I dont site my sources cause I want for you to find the trueth for your self alot like someone else I know. Now where I last left off we saw the universe in a liquid gas and energy state cooling down from this massive explosion and gathering with matter of simmilar densities. That matter infused with the heat and energy this god particle capable of defying physics.6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.
As the energy of this being associated in the big bang draws back together and our liquid rock and water combined into pools planet cools this energy sees the perfect place to create its children the purpose of this energys explosive task reproduction. It does this by assembling the required chemical soup to make life that can evolve to adapt to its situation and climate its placed in so long as given the ability to adapt till it to can shed its physical coil and become another energy being. This bond is what makes us vitally important to God with out him determining how much energy the planet can produce to stave off the heat of the closest gathering of his energy form the sun. The purpose of life is to achieve enlightenment till we evolve to the point that we make a new perfect being with the power and thought of trillions of people in love with him and his gift. just a side thought for anyone looking for the meening of life there it is. The purpose of our life is to create the make up of a more advanced life form.
7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
As the water is heated because energy and heat gods explosion had made it evaporates and creates mists that our planet uses to make the atmosphere trying to hold his heat in.
8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.
Again look up Yom see for your self. Heaven all that is space.
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