Saturday, January 3, 2015

personal disclaimer and introduction.

The Questions We Should Be Asking.

                An intro to Mr. Pockets blog   
Before I start let me begin by dissuading the trolls. No I cant spell worth a damn, I'm most likely to butcher my grammer and screw up my punctuation, I am not a genius or a doctor, in not a loyer or even a teacher. I am a regular guy that makes mistakes, puts his pants on one leg at a time and raises his kids with his wife. I am wanting to express the duel standards that are being pressed on my generation by the generation that brought us up and by our selves. I tend to dream up ideas and thoughts on inventions and will bring some of these ideas to light. I will try to cover social topics, religious ideas, sextual issues, historical finds, and how to guides on things I find alot of people cant do. Chances are IM GOING TO SAY SOMETHING THAT OFFENDS YOU AT SOME POINT. My best advice if this happens get over it these are my views. Feel free to add ideas and thoughts and make productive arguments and responces. The others well its a pointless waste of time and time is the one currency you can spend and cant get back. Now with out further wait my first topic. Fear Americas Economic Downfall and Lifes Measured Risks.

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